I welcome you all (general public) to "Lautecharena".A new online platform for latest updates on lautech happenings,Scholarship offers,Sport updates,Entertainment/Celebrity lifestyle,latest trending news worldwide and many more.
It is my pleasure to have you all here.My special shout-out goes to all fellow ladokites (both existing and aspirants),and to Launch alumni for their support to this great citadel of learning on the issues on ground,may God almighty help you all.I shall not forget to say shout-out to the man of honor,ever gallant comrade "Lautech Mouthpiece" for his immense contribution on Lautech issues.I must say you are a rear gem.And same goes to goes to UNION OF CAMPUS JOURNALIST, Lautech and many other comrades,together we will take our dear Lautech to the promise land.It is good to have you all around.Just sit back and enjoy as we unfold things for you.
It is my pleasure to have you all here.My special shout-out goes to all fellow ladokites (both existing and aspirants),and to Launch alumni for their support to this great citadel of learning on the issues on ground,may God almighty help you all.I shall not forget to say shout-out to the man of honor,ever gallant comrade "Lautech Mouthpiece" for his immense contribution on Lautech issues.I must say you are a rear gem.And same goes to goes to UNION OF CAMPUS JOURNALIST, Lautech and many other comrades,together we will take our dear Lautech to the promise land.It is good to have you all around.Just sit back and enjoy as we unfold things for you.
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