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JAC says ; When the 3 days warning strike elapse, we will be going to work on Monday and Tuesday but Wednesday to Friday would be for casual work to find money and sustain livelihood since they are not getting their salary.

This may however be simply put that they are not willing to embark on strike since they've carefully chosen and preferred an alternative words to be used to *STRIKE*. And when you ask any of these Union members if they are on strike or planning to go, their responses or reply is always NO.

But honestly, their modus operandi is indeed mysterious and beyond my comprehension. I just hope my dictionary will do the needful by making the word *STRIKE* more explicable and understandable in this situation.

Having acquiesced on this, it is quite worrisome that LAUTECH management keeps maintaining silence and neutrality as if all is well. For time without numbers, the *UNIONS* have never ceased to keep quiet on the alarming situation and students too, have been seen complaining here and there that LAUTECH treasury is empty. Yet, the management seems to be reluctant, continue to suffer in silence, and not bold enough to come out of their shell and tell the whole world that LAUTECH is in a state of comatose. 

I cant just stop pondering over the statement of one of our professors who said; My heart bleeds when I ruminate over certain things. I don't know why Lautech is so unlucky to be witnessing this kind things at its age. "

In view of this statement, it is imperative to double our efforts to prevent another round of strike. I pray and hope the gullible amidst the students would begin to think out of the box.

At this point in time, all hands must be on deck. Let keep making use of the media because it seems to be the only language Nigeria governments understand. The reactions yesterday while on air and from some of the OYO state stake holders has proven absolutely that media is the only language the government understand. As such, we must keep the trend going until the needful is done.

More So, we pray the unprogressive amidst the students wont sabotage this effort at their own gain especially as we plan to be on our way to Osun state. I believe with prayer, AREGBESOLA Jujuism wont work this time around.

Credit:-Lautech mouthpiece
( LMP )


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