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It's no more news to the entire ladokites that the legislative arm of the LSUG was inaugurated as the new SUG on the 8th November. Hear is the speech made by the speaker/head of union.

"8th of November, 2017 was indeed a memorable and remarkable day. on this very good day I was sworn in as the speaker lautech SUG / Head of the Union alongside the 3 other principal office holders, the deputy speaker, Chief whip and the clerk. No doubt history has been rewritten in lautech Sug.

First nd foremost, I return all glory and  adorations to God Almighty for making  yesterday's event a success against all odds. I'm happier because my honourables, Reasonable comrades and entire lautech students populace stood gallantly to resist been oppressed by people of retrogression and at the end, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. It's indeed a good Omen that Normalcy is set to take over our Union.

I wouldn't like to delve much on all that  happened to our union in the past, but like the Biblical israelites, we have wandered in the desert for almost 17months, struggling to restore our union and most importantly,reclaim our deprived mandate. Happily, we are now at the threshold of the promised land. Big thanks to all our comrades, union leaders, staffs, organisation leaders, my indispensable honourables, friends and family(s) who contributed in one way or the other in the struggle that restored our Union and our mandates. My appreciation knows no bound.

To my honourables, u all have demonstrated in the clearest possible way that u stand for progress, advancement and growth of our Union. Your conducts during and after the swearing-in programme is applaudable. It's my outmost believe that our conducts, resourcefulness, integrity, composure, standard of debate, etc. Will make our union the primus inter pares among all students union body in the country.

As the speaker and the Head of the union, I'm saddled with so many responsibilities, but the most paramount of it is to fight, defend and protect the interest of all well meaning ladokites.

On this note, I'm soliciting the help and support of all ladokites, staffs, management and Unions on campus towards providing  an enabling environment.

Reshaping lautech is our collective responsibility.

May we have a peaceful and fruitful tenure in office. Ameen.

Thank You.
Long live lautech
Long live lautech LSUG
Long live all Political organisations on campus
Long live Osun/Oyo
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
RT.HON. ADEOTI, Abdul-Afeez Olatubosun

Speaker LSUG/Head of the Union."

Congratulations to entire ladokites for this achievement,and a big kudos to the school management.


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